It might have taken fifty episodes, but we’ve finally worked up the courage to place our favorite comic book couple on the couch - Norrin Radd and Dawn Greenwood.

Holy Cats! The 50th Episode of Comic Book Couples Counseling! How on Earth did we get here? Friends, we’re not sure.
You have to understand that it took over a year of us talking and talking about the concept of Comic Book Couples Counseling before we finally sat down to record the first episode. Podcasting doesn’t pay, and it eats up a lot of time. We were already deeply invested in our first show, In the Mouth of Dorkness, and it seemed like an absurd idea to start up another one.
The only problem was that we couldn’t shake the idea. What would The Five Love Languages say about Scott Summers and Jean Grey? Could Catwoman learn a thing or two from He’s Just Not That Into You? How could Common help Swamp-Thing and Abigail Arcane?
We met while working at Barnes and Noble, and while Brad often scoffed at the self-help section, it always piqued Lisa's curiosity. Applying love gurus to the fantastical, sometimes over-the-top, yet often relatable romances found within comics was merely too tantalizing an idea.
Eventually, what started as a lark of an idea, grew into a show. That show took off, and we’ve discovered that not only is it a delight to apply these (sometimes wonky) relationship guides to comic book characters, it’s a delight to apply them to ourselves.
Surf’s Up, Listeners!
Initially, Brad wanted to tackle Norrin Radd and Dawn Greenwood at the start of the series. Lisa did not like that idea. She loved these characters too much. She wished to get the show off the ground and into a rhythm before she unleashed her passion for these two love birds.
The time has come. Actually, it’s here.
The 50th Episode launches a four-episode arc where we’re going to cover Dan Slott and Michael Allred’s Silver Surfer in its entirety. We begin with Silver Surfer: New Dawn, containing Silver Surfer Volume 7, issues 1 - 5, as well as the All-New Marvel Now Point One issue one.
We’re super proud of this episode, friends. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed recording it. If you do, please spread the love and share it with your friends.
We’ve seriously adored every one of you who joined us on this crazy adventure. Thank you so much. Honestly, we’re not sure we would still be doing this show if not for you. Your support is why we keep going.
If you so feel inclined, please drop us off a review on our Apple Podcast page. You can do so by clicking HERE. We’ve received many words of affirmation these last few weeks, and we’ve seen the podcast climb the charts a bit. That’s because of you. Again, thank you.
We’re already hard at work on the next episode, and we look forward to sharing another fifty episodes with you. If we haven’t covered one of your favorite couples, let us know. You can do so by tweeting us @CBCCPodcast or emailing us
Until next time, folks. Keep your love tank full, and your psychic report open.