Comic Book Couples Counseling, Cuddles and Rage, and Awesome Con team up for a delightful discussion on the Extraordinary Relationships of The Umbrella Academy.

The Umbrella Academy is a damn fine comic book. Lisa knew this fact since the publication of the first trade paperback. Brad remained stubborn, refusing to believe the lead singer of My Chemical Romance could produce a work of significant bodaciousness. Fool.
The Umbrella Academy is more than a quirky twist on Marvel’s X-Men. The wild mythology produced by Gerard Way and Gabrial Bá is an astonishing work of imagination, creating a collection of unique relationships worthy of dissection. We’re ecstatic to dig into this roster of oddball heroes as part of Awesome Con and Leftfield Media’s virtual panel experience.
To help us wade through the tumultuous encounters between Professor Hargreeves’ “children,” we’re joined by one-half of the dynamite duo known as Cuddles and Rage, Liz Reed. You may remember Liz from our Creator Corner episode earlier this year, where she and husband Jimmy Reed discussed their brand new graphic novel Bites of Terror. She’s a frickin’ delight with an incredible capacity for deconstruction.
We’re also using Roberta M. Gilbert’s Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking About Human Interactions as our relationship guide. We recently applied this book to our Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson episodes, and while we took some issue with a few of the ideas, overall, the Bowen Family System is sound.
Don’t know what any of that means? That’s okay. We go into detail about Extraordinary Relationships before applying it to The Umbrella Academy.
We live in weird times without comic book conventions. Honestly, there is so much more to worry about that complaining about a lack of cons seems silly. Still, every year cons bring us enormous amounts of joy and missing that joy stirs an ache at our core.
We’re grateful to Awesome Con for not giving up their community. Their online experience is an inviting one, and it’s been fun to communicate with folks through their Facebook and Twitter feeds. While conventions may be on pause, there is no reason to deny ourselves the necessary contact of fellow geeks.
Be sure to follow Liz on most social medias @cuddlesandrage, and you can find Bites of Terror for purchase by clicking HERE.