With the landmark 50th episode of Comic Book Couples Counseling just days away, we unveil the new show poster from artist extraordinaire @Karen_XMenFan.

You should all follow Karen, X-Men Fan on Twitter and Tumblr. They’re a star, and we’re thrilled and honored to have their work gracing our podcast.
When we first reached out to them for our first commissioned piece (see this website’s banner art), we were a little nervous. While it’s not always the case, both of us are anxious about our physical appearance, and it’s a scary thing to have an artist offer their interpretation of not only your face but your body. As we opened that first file, we took a gulp.
Phew! Karen made us look ultra rad and beautiful! Our egos were saved!
If we could afford it, we would have Karen illustrate a poster for every single episode, but for now, we’ll have to settle for the occasional special appearance - and they are special because of them. So, Karen, if we haven’t said it enough already, “THANK YOU.”
50 Episodes!! What the what??
We can’t believe it. 50 episodes!! Whoa. (Pssst! Don’t tell anyone, but episode 50 is actually episode 69. What kind of comic book podcast would we be if our numbering system wasn’t a little messed up, right? Everyone loves legacy numbering!)
The plan was to already have the show available before this post, but what are you going to do? Sometimes, life gets in the way, and as we’re sure you already know, lately, life has been getting in the way a lot. We have to tell ourselves not to dwell on the wouldas and shouldas, and appreciate what we have. We’re very excited about this next batch of episodes, and we promise that it will be worth the wait.
As a way to thank you, our beloved listeners, we’re unveiling Karen’s art for Episode 50 on our brand spanking new website. Pass it around, share it with your friends and family. We’re in love with what Karen has done here.
To me, my board!
Episode 50 kicks off our new series of conversations centered around Dawn Greenwood and Norrin Radd, aka The Silver Surfer. When we conceived this podcast nearly two years ago, we knew that we were going to cover Dawn & Norrin, but we also knew that we didn’t want to rush into it.
Dan Slott and Mike Allred’s Silver Surfer is one of our favorite comic book storylines, and for Lisa, it is, without a doubt, her all-time favorite comic book series. With such love, comes a lot of pressure. We had to be ready to cover these characters and their cosmically powerful romance. We had to do right by them, and we’re still crossing our fingers that we’ll do so, and that you’ll enjoy what we have in store.
