We go full spoilers with artist Patrick Horvath, discussing his "cold as possible" teddy bear picnic climax.

It's been a week. You've had a minute. The sixth and final issue of Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees is out there, living its life, rattling around our collective imaginations. We need to talk about it. You need to talk about it. Let's talk about it together. And drag cartoonist Patrick Horvath into the chat, crack his melon open, and root around in all of his delicious secrets. Yep, it's time to go full spoilers with this comic.
When Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees first landed in shops, it hooked its first readers in a profound way. The elevator pitch was beyond infectious; it was powerful. Mesmeric, maybe. The first issue transformed us into evangelists, preaching the good (grotesque) word of Sam the Bear and her sleepy Woodbrook community. Perhaps we glimpsed ourselves within her, as troubling as that was, and that caused us to seek new readers to share in our compelling confusion.
Half a year later, with the whole story inside us, we can confidently declare that we had no real idea where Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees would take us. Go back and listen to our first conversation with Patrick Horvath. We had an inkling but not a clue. Now, our perceptions are (semi)clear, and we need to run them through Patrick Horvath himself. Plus, go on a rant about Australian Traitors season two and make a few parallels between Sam the Bear and Sam the Sheriff.
What's Next for Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees?
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees was a smash hit for Patrick Horvath and IDW Publishing. Each of the sixth issues caused a stir, and we're extremely excited about how its recent Eisner Awards nomination and upcoming trade paperback release (September 17th) will attract even more new, unprepared readers. Hopefully, folks will also run toward Patrick Horvath's current Zoop campaign for Free For All, his Eat the Rich, dystopian, gladiatorial relationship drama. (CLICK HERE NOW)
As always, Omnibus, the Digital Comic Store and Reader, sponsors our Referrals segment. This week, we selected two comic book titles on the site that satisfy this episode's themes. We won't spoil what they are here, but if you click the links below, you'll be immediately escorted to those books.
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