We chat with the comic book creators about providing a new coat of paint to their first collaboration.

Welcome to our Creator Corner, our new reoccurring interview series, where we chat with the coolest and most thought-provoking creators in the comics industry. In this entry, we're conversing with W. Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo about Art Brut. Listen to the unedited audio HERE.
A few months back, Brad finally discovered Ice Cream Man. He took to reading the trade paperbacks before bed. While Lisa was struggling to drift off to dreamland, he would exhale some exasperated shock, shooting her back into the waking world.
"What?" she would ask. "This comic is madness!" he would reply. Minutes later, Lisa would be slipping back into her lullaby world and Brad would repeat his piercing surprise. "Go read that in the living room," Lisa would command. And he did.
For those in the know, Ice Cream Man is a wretchedly addictive read. With every passing issue, you get closer to understanding the overall mythology, but never close enough. So, you keep reading. The comic is a sensation, but it's not the first collaboration between writer W. Maxwell Prince and artist Martin Morazzo. Before they unleashed the many flavors of suffering called Ice Cream Man, they injected The Electric Sublime into the world.
The two creators were incredibly proud of their first collaborative work, but disappointed more folks didn't flock toward it. Now, with Ice Cream Man tearing up the charts over at Image Comics, they saw an opportunity to revisit The Electric Sublime, and give it a fancy new rebrand. Meet Art Brut and his trusty sidekick Manny the Mannequin.
The newly refurbished Art Brut #1 lands on comic shelves on December 14th. It's a "colorful gonzo romp through art and art history." W. Maxwell Prince and Martin Morazzo are playing with fantasy and police procedural tropes, detailing the adventures of the Mad Dreampainter Arthur Brut as he literally dives into classical works like the Mona Lisa and The Scream to uncover a vast conspiracy infecting our collective imagination.
The new Art Brut comics are not simple reprints. Each issue includes a Silver Age inspired backup from Prince and Morazzo. They've tinkered a bit with what they originally accomplished, giving another coat of paint to their creation. The comic stands proudly next to Ice Cream Man.
We were ecstatic to have both creators in our Love Nest to chat all things Art Brut. We get into why they were compelled to return to their first work and what they wanted to achieve this second go around. And, yes, we talk about the possibilities of more Art Brut, but as always, that's really on us. If we want more, we have to snatch up these new issues and insist that our friends do the same.
Follow W. Maxwell Prince on Instagram. Do the same for Martin Morazzo on Twitter, Instagram, and his Website.
Listen to The Oblivion Bar's interview with Morazzo HERE.
Listen to The Comics Collective interview with Prince and Morazzo HERE.
Don't forget! We're screening Howard the Duck on the big screen at the Alamo Drafthouse in Winchester, Virginia. Done in collaboration with the Four Color Fantasies comic book shop. Get your tickets HERE.
And, of course, follow Comic Book Couples Counseling on Facebook, on Instagram, and on Twitter @CBCCPodcast, and you can follow hosts Brad Gullickson @MouthDork & Lisa Gullickson @sidewalksiren.
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Podcast logo by Aaron Prescott @acoolhandfluke, podcast banner art by @Karen_XmenFan.